Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thing 2 - AVATAR!

I did it!  I did it!  I did it!  The stress in my neck is there as I tried to do it right, which of course did not happen the first time, but it was not a problem but a challenge now (see I learned from the last Thing). I got it after only two trial and error periods!

I decided to have my Avatar name match my blogsite name.  It just seems logical and natural.  You'll notice that I also kept with a theme. My blog design is outside and so is my Avatar, complete with dog.  Yes, my Avatar is realistic.  Hey, I'm even wearing my favorite color green!  Only non-realistic element to my Avatar is that when I'm walking I usually have two dogs with me, a husband and two small children riding bikes or maybe a scooter.  See you can't get EVERYTHING with an Avatar, can you?!  I did find it a bit of a challenge creating the blog and the Avatar, but I'm sure that everyone in Clarksville heard my shouts of "Yes! Yes! Yes!" when I finally got that Avatar on my blog! 

Fun activity.  Can't wait to do Thing 3!


  1. I found making the avatar frustrating too! But just like you, I got it after trying a few different times. Your post made me laugh! You persevered and found the challenge instead of the problem! :)

  2. I'm so glad I made you laugh! My goal in life is to make people laugh. Oh yeah, I want to be a teacher, so, my other goal is to teach little people something! Thanks again for posting, Jeanie!

  3. I like your Avatar. You can make one in Skype too. Then you can take it and use it other places - like here.

  4. Cool! I never thought to use my Avatar on Skype. I think I'll do that right now. Sorry, kids, I'll get your breakfast after I geek a little more..... Thanks for posting!
